Yes, I know it is only October. And while I do enjoy a pumpkin spice latte just as much as the next, I have no shame in my game when I opt for the hot coco instead!


When it comes to the holidays, I am a firm believer in giving not only your clients, but yourself a reminder that when the October time rolls around, you can never be too early in regards to gift planning.

Below are some easy tips to help motivate your clients (and maybe yourself) to start at the very least thinking about the holidays!

Organize your list:

This is the very first thing one should do! Write down who will be getting a gift! At the very least, who will be getting a card versus’ who will be getting cookies and versus’ who will be getting a high-end gift. Organize your client list based on how much you intend to spend, whether you plan on doing a holiday card or more.


Every year, I always try to choose the most innovative gift for our clients that will help us stand out. Last year, our s’mores kit was such a success, that people still bring it up to this day! Research the year’s newest and most innovative gifts for you and your clients. It will do more than just help you stand out, but it will also tell your clients that you put some thought and care into what you gifted them.


It is also important to take some time to consider presentation. If you choose to simply send out a card, think of ways that will help your card stand out from others. Maybe the card includes a bag of tea or package of seeds. Maybe you are going to give out journals and a pen. This is a great opportunity to take advantage of personalization and really creating something extra special that your client will appreciate and use. The possibilities are truly endless, so take the time to consider the ways you can really showcase your appreciation for your clients support over the past year.


Finally, consider sending holiday favors/gifts well before the holiday season is in full swing. Once December hits, delivery and shipping services become overwhelmed and inundated with so many packages and envelopes. You don’t want to risk anyone’s card or gift being lost or delayed that they ultimately don’t receive it in time. It is suggested to have all cards and gifts (unless you are giving them in person) in the mail immediately following Thanksgiving/the first week of December. This gives you some “bumper” time so not only will you ensure they receive the gift on time, but that they will get to enjoy it prior to receiving an influx of gifts from others.


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